Awareness While Experiencing and Surfing on Movies through Emotions
YEARS: 2018-2021

Investigate the emotional dimension of movies, to further provide support for the classification, access, navigation, and visualization of movie collections, not only including previous descriptors (genre, actors) but also emotions expressed in their content and felt by the viewers, during and after watching movies. This holds the potential to increase emotional awareness and empower future users to regulate their emotions when accessing and watching movies.

Teresa Chambel (PI, FCIÊNCIAS.ID), Patrícia Arriaga (CO-PI, ISCTE-IUL); Thibault Langlois (FCIÊNCIAS.ID),
Manuel Monteiro da Fonseca (FCIÊNCIAS.ID), Octavian Postolache (IT-IUL, ISCTE-IUL).
Searching, navigating, and recommending movies through emotions: A scoping review. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 7831013.
What movie will I watch today? The role of online review ratings, reviewers’ comments, and user’s gratification style. Projections, the Journal for Movies and Mind, 15 (3), 24–46.
Why do we watch? The role of emotion gratifications and individual differences in predicting rewatchability and movie recommendation. Behavioral Sciences, 10 (8), 1-11.
That’s AWESOME: Awareness While Experiencing and Surfing On Movies through Emotions. Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences Workshops, 110–117.
Fábrica de Emoções: A eficácia de excertos de filmes na indução de Emoções. Laboratório de Psicologia, 8 (1), 63-80.